Moon man

Moon man
Face on the Moon

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Obscure Mythology Chapter 22: Viracocha, South America

     Today’s installment may not be so obscure for those who have studied Incan or Peruvian mythology but there is a lot more to this mysterious creator god than most know. There are some fringe researchers, like myself, who believe that Viracocha was an actual person or people. He was described as pale skinned, with long white hair and a long white beard and flowing white robes (Gandalf?) who came from the sea and taught the people of Central and South America the skills to become more civilized, like writing, mathematics, music, agriculture, etc. He was known as Quetzacotl to the Aztec and other Central American people. He promoted peace and knowledge over war and banned all sacrifices, human and animal. After a time, the nobles and elite felt threatened by him and he was either killed or forced back into the sea or as one tale suggests his own attendant killed him. However it happened he disappeared just as mysteriously as he arrived. I believe he and his people were explorers or exiles from perhaps Minoa or Greece and that they really did interact with and maybe even rule the ancient Peruvians. In fact the Incans believed that the Spanish conquistadors were Viracocha and his second coming because of their appearance, Gram Hancock’s book Footprint of the Gods and Our Occulterd History by Jim Marrs, are great sources of information on Viracocha and his connection to other ancient civilizations. I highly recommend reading one or both of these great books.There are even some researchers who believe Viracocha and his men could have come from Atlantis! I will post what the Dictionary of Mythology has to say about him and then go a little more into his mysterious past and connections.

Viracocha, South American, an ancient Peruvian creator-god, storm-god, and sun-god, recognized by the Incas. Son of Inti, some say husband of Mama Cocha.
He is said to have emerged from Lake Titicaca or from the Pacari cave. He destroyed in a flood the humans created by an earlier god, or by his own unsuccessful efforts, and made new races appropriate to their environment, traveling amongst them, teaching them the basic skills. He finally disappeared over the Pacific, walking on the water.
In another version he is said to have emerged from the cave Pacari, with Ayar Manco and Pahacamac. In this version they were all sons of Inti.
He is depicted as crowned with the sun and thunderbolts.
Some writers regard Viracocha as a generic name for sacred beings rather than the name of a specific deity.

     The first thing that caught my attention was the mention of him being depicted with a crowen and thunderbolts. Who else in ancient mythology was depicted with thunderbolts and wearing a crown, I may add he was usually described as having a white beard and hair? Yes, Zeus! Remember how I mentioned some say Viracocha could have been Greek? Well there is a pretty solid connection, sure the crown and thunderbolts are depicted in mythology quite often but I don’t think this in coincidence. I should mention, I didn’t read what the dictionary said about him until I began writing this, I wanted to see what the Dictionary had to say against what I had already known or thought I knew! So when I read that he was responsible for the flood that destroyed a previous human race it instantly brought up connections to the Annunaki (Sumerian sky-Gods who may have been an ancient alien race whom once ruled the Earth. This is for anyone who hasn’t read this blog or researched ancient alien myth.) and especially the story of the Igigi, (Chapter 9 of my Obscure Mythology anthology, the one you’re reading now!) The Igigi were demi-gods under the Annunaki and were tasked with mining the gold needed to save their home world’s atmosphere, they rebelled and were replaced by humans, who the Annunkai had created by splicing Igigi and Homo Erectus DNA. Some ancient Sumerian texts say the Great Flood was the Annunaki destroying the Igigi. Perhaps Viracocha was an Annunaki. There seems to be a connection there as well. Of course, we have the Great Flood myth yet again, at this point we have to believe that at some point in ancient human history, there had to have been some catastrophic flood that destroyed a vast amount of territory and people, again, I believe it may have been when the Atlantic broke into the Mediterranean sea, which was land locked before the ocean crashed through what is now the Straights of Gibraltar, again this is just my Flood myth theory but it does make a lot of sense and that event probably happened after the last Glacial melt, around 10,000 years ago. Archeologists are finding a lot of evidence of ancient settlements under the waters of the Mediterranean, which would have been on dry land before sea levels rose. So here we are on Chapter 22 and we have connected yet more world myths together. So did some ancient beings from another planet or a lost continent arrive on the shores of South America to teach humans the ways of civilization? Was it explorers from Europe or the Mediterranean?
The last thing I wanted to comment on was the fact that there are numerous local legends about Lake Titicaca. The areas around it are also well known and very mysterious, these sights include, the Nazca lines, Pums Punku, Tiahuanaco, Machu Pichu and many more. A lot of UFOs are sighted around the Lake and many UFO researchers believe there may be an underwater alien base hidden under the Lake. I know I am stretching a little here but I have been researching ancient South America mythology for a long time and everything about it is fascinating. There is so much mystery and intrigue, 99% of the Incans written texts were destroyed by the conquistadors and lost to history forever.

Well, I suppose I have kept you all long enough for today. I hope you enjoyed this installment and I can’t wait to share the next with you very soon. Until then have a great week and as always…..PEACE!

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Obscure Mythology Chapter 21: Udar
An Arabian ghul.

This week’s installment is quite intriguing and may be a little unsettling, it does contain sexual content. So I am going to put a few disclaimers just to be safe and to let you the reader know that something extremely crazy is going to be written about and discussed. All of this is for research and entertainment purposes and is not intended to harm or cast any dispersions on anyone’s beliefs. The thoughts below are my own and the entry came from the The Dictionary of Mythology, an A-Z of themes, legends and myths.
Warning: this post may contain graphic or explicit content, proceed at your own caution.

Now with all that out of the way, I am going to introduce you all to the Arabian ghuls (A ghul is a monster or evil spirit in Arabic mythology) the Udar, and their very interesting and very disturbing modus operendi. Without further ado, here are the Udar.

Udar, Arabian, a type of ghul (ghoul).
This being lives in the desert and rapes male travelers. As a result, the victim may develop worms in his anus, a condition which is invariably fatal.

Yeah, when I first read this entry, I had to go back and reread it a few times. Of the thousands of entries I’ve read up until this point, none made me do a double take like this one. After I read it a few times, I started to get an idea of why it was probably even a myth to begin with. The Arab world’s religions are notoriously anti-homosexual and as I have stated before extremely sexist as well. I included this unique entry to show you how some myths or legends were created to scare people or steer them away from unwanted behavior. I have a very strong feeling this myth was perpetuated throughout the Middle east in an attempt to scare men aware from homosexual activity. These Udar, were probably made up to scare men straight, literally, or to at least keep them away from attempting homosexual activity due to the threat of anus worms. By putting these horrible ghuls and their grotesque acts into their religious and person beliefs the founders of this myth instilled fear not only into homosexual acts but of the horrible consequences that can come from them, i.e., the anal worms from the stories. I have to admit that I don’t know anything about this myth or most any Arabian myth but as I have seen with every other religion or belief system, their myths have a deeper meaning. There may have been some crazy madman who lived in the desert once and raped a few travelers and it is very possible that local religious leaders at the time used that crazy madman’s actions to dictate their laws and to make up scary stories to keep people from doing things they don’t want done. It happens in all religions and it is still happening today. There is absolutely nothing wrong with being homosexual, it occurs naturally, it became a pariah when a few homophobes with power decided it was immoral and sacrilegious. For all I know there could have been a kindly old gay man who lived in the desert but offended one of the ruling elite of the day, this kindly old hermit became a man raping ghul in retaliation. 
The point is, that as long as a few people have all the power than it will be their will that is imposed on the masses, when in reality it should be the masses who control their own destinies but through fear and diversion the ruling elite have set the course of humanity. Well I suppose I have offended and rambled enough for today. I hope my post today can bring about a conversation among you and your friends, it is truly amazing what you can find when you start looking. I am just five entries away from finally finishing the alphabet of obscurity and moving on to more of the strange and mysterious, thank you for reading and I can’t wait to share my next installment with you all very soon. Until then have a great week and as always, PEACE!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Obscure Mythology Chapter 20: Ta-aroa
Pacific Islands, a Tahitian creator-God

     Welcome back to installment number 20 of my Obscure Mythology project, just 6 more to go! I know it took all summer and I really didn’t plan on it taking until probably November to finish but I have to admit, it has been very fun and educational. I have begun many projects in my blogging lifetime and I have never completed one, I will be very happy when I actually finish this one! In all of my artistic endeavors over 30 plus years I have only finished one project, a role playing game based on Special Operations missions, that my friends and I played for many years in the mid-90’s but that is it. I have left dozens of novels, hundreds of short stories and a plethora of photography and blog related projects unfinished and collecting dust. I am hoping that perhaps when I do actually finish this project it will  motivate me to try finishing one or two of my previously abandoned works, I guess only time will tell. Anyway, it took me exactly one minute to pick this weeks installment since I ended up using the very first entry under T, in the Dictionary of Mythology. I was instantly drawn to yet another creation story that sounds awfully familiar, this one is from the Pacific Islands and as you will see it has many similarities to the other creation myths we have looked at throughout this project. I must admit, Pacific Island mythology is very obscure to me as I haven’t read much about it until this project. I have always been fascinated by the Polynesian people’s rich history and excellent seafaring skills (they colonized the Pacific Islands at a time when most civilizations were just figuring out how to travel on water) which rival even that of the Vikings and I do believe they “discovered” South America before the Spaniards by at least 500 years. Numerous artifacts including chicken bones and a certain type of Pacific Island yams have been found in many areas of coastal South America. If they could travel on the open ocean to discover islands like Hawaii and Easter Island what would have stopped them from exploring further? I also believe the Chinese explorer and Admiral Zheng He was on the west coast of North America in or around 1410-20 and there is actual evidence to show that the Vikings were on the east coast of North America around 1000, so why couldn’t the excellent sailors of Polynesia have reached South America? They had the ability and the curiosity to accomplish the feat and they most likely did, mainstream researchers and scholars disagree but that is only because they are suppressing the real truth about our ancient ancestors and their abilities, why? I am not sure but I know as do many others that the real truth is being hidden. Some day I hope to focus more of my time and research on the answer to the suppression but like I said earlier I have to actually finish a project before I can do any others! Now onto Ta-aroa, creator god of the Tahitian people.

Ta-aroa, Pacific Islands, creator god of the Tahitian people.
Some say that he hatched from a cosmic egg and used the shell to create earth (Fa’ahotu) and sky (Atea), others that he created the world inside of a mussel, others that he built the universe from his own body. Some say that he pulled up the islands from the bottom of the ocean on a hook and fishing-line.
He also made men from red clay and later put a man to sleep, took a bone from his body and from it made the first woman.

I have mentioned a few times how a lot of Native American creation myths mention man being created from clay or mud and this myth from the Pacific Islands, a half a world away, says the same thing. Of course we also have the fact that a bone from man was used to create woman, which is strikingly similar to the story of man and woman’s creation from the Book of Genesis, were God uses one of Adam’s ribs to create Eve, don’t forget that Eve was Adam’s second wife, Lilith was created at the same time as Adam not from any part of him. Anyway you look at that creation myth you must look back to the ancient Sumerian’s account of the Annunaki (sky Gods, whom I’ve mentioned numerous times in previous posts) and how they created humans by genetically altering the proto-humans that were on earth at the time with their own DNA. It should also be mentioned that Pacific Islanders have genetic markers left from at least two ancient human species, the Denisovans and an as yet unknown ancient human species. Is it possible that all of these creation stories are based on reality? Could we have been genetically altered by an ancient race of aliens? It does explain how Homo sapiens grew from obscurity to global dominance in less than 100,000 years or so. These are the reasons I love this research and love asking questions. The search for truth may never lead me to any solid answers but it sure gives me reason to continue researching and seeking for it. I hope you enjoyed this installment and I look forward to sharing the next one with you soon enough. We are just five installments away from getting into some real exciting things, in the meantime I certainly hope you’ve enjoyed this look at Obscure culture as much as I’ve enjoyed sharing it with you all. Until the next time, PEACE!!!!!!!