Moon man

Moon man
Face on the Moon

Friday, March 9, 2018

A Titanic Conspiracy?
Was the unsinkable ship sunk so the US could create the Federal
Reserve Act?
Did you know the corporate take over of the US started with the Federal Reserve Act of 1913, The 1913 Federal Reserve Act was a U.S. legislation that created the current Federal Reserve System. The Federal Reserve Act intended to establish a form of economic stability in the United States through the introduction of the Central Bank, which would be in charge of monetary policy. I won't get into the details but it is all within reach if you feel like looking into it. What many people fail to realize or are too brainwashed to understand is that the Titanic was deliberately sunk so the Act could pass. Why would they need to sink the Titanic in order to pass a bill that effectively turned the US treasury into a world wide banking scam? Easy, because some of the rich and powerful men who were on board that ship we all against the formation of the Fed Reserve. Those rich and powerful men included John Astor, Benjamin Guggenheim and Ira Strauss. The theory contends that JP Morgan, along with the Rothschilds and other prominent government and banking officials had the ship sunk so the Federal Reserve Act could be passed without major opposition, since the opposition would have all perished on the Titanic. Long story short, after those men were killed there was no opposition to the creation of the Federal Reserve Act and our ultimate demise as a real Democracy.
If you don't believe that the people in power had the capability to sink an unsinkable ship then you are living in a fantasy world. Too many discrepancies about the ship hitting it and the actions of both the men who owned White Star Liners and the officer who was piloting the ship certainly point to a possibility of a conspiracy. Unfortunately, it was a lot easier to stage false flag acts like this, there was little scrutiny and if there was the people asking questions were simply black listed or worse. Within the last few years more and more conspiracy theorists have dug deep into the Titanic sinking and the results are startling. There is a strong possibility that had those men not died on the Titanic they could have stopped the creation of the Fed Reserve Ac and the whole central banking scam. It is this banking system that has destroyed our economy and turned us into the Corpocracy/Oligarchy we have become. By having the Titanic sunk men like JP Morgan got their wish and essentially gained control of the whole economic and banking system of the United Sates and now many other countries across the world. 

In conclusion if 60-75% of American people believe that the US government probably had something to do with 9/11 how could you not believe our government wouldn’t do something like this to eventually control the world’s economy. Don’t you also think its ironic that an unsinkable ship travelling a well mapped path across the Atlantic Ocean could have avoided an Iceberg. I couldn’t find actually numerical data but I did find out that there have been 500 reported incidents of ships hitting icebergs in the North Atlantic since reporting began as far back as 1689. I didn’t have time to search how many ships make the trip per year but I can imagine it’s a pretty high number. Putting together my imagined numbers only I would put the odds of a ship like the Titanic striking an Iceberg large enough to cause catastrophic damage at about 1 in 5,000,000 and that is being extremely conservative numbers. Again I go back to some things reported about what really happened in the bridge that night like why the Captain wasn’t there or why a third rate watchman was in charge, etc.
This is the shit that gets me going guys! True or not this stuff warrants research. I myself believe the Universe or Universes are too big to have these coincidences occur but that’s just me. I hope you enjoyed my little theory and I hope to share more with you all very soon. Until then, PEACE!!!!!