Moon man

Moon man
Face on the Moon

Thursday, December 27, 2018

Media and the manipulation of your mind.
  In the iconic novel 1984, by George Orwell, Winston Smith, the main character works for the Ministry of Truth. He edits old newspaper stories to reflect the ideology of the State. The following images I am going to share with you in this post should scare you, as it is proof positive that the Main stream Media and their deep state masters are manipulating the news as we speak. Today journalists have no morals or ethics, they do as they are told by their editors who do the bidding of the CIA and other deep state assets, publishing made up stories with made up anonymous sources, willingly spreading propaganda, deceit and printing all out falsities just to spread their narrative.  When they are caught publishing these fake stories they simply post a retraction or apology hours or days later after the damage has already been done. It is clear by watching the Mainstream Media or reading their articles. Wikileaks published a list of all the "journalists" that wined and dined with Hillary and her staff, it was a list of hundreds, including every main news anchor on the major liberal news networks. It is clear from my research, the images I am sharing and the overwhelming evidence throughout the internet and printed media that our major news networks and newspapers have become nothing more than a platform for the left and their puppet masters. We are not fed news anymore, we are fed the information or disinformation that the deep state wants us to read.. Did you find it odd that the same news media that used to call John McCain a Nazi and George Bush a murder spent days glorifying both of them during their funerals? Why did so many politicians use McCain's funeral to bash a sitting President? I grew up in the newspaper business. My Grandmother was a journalist for many years and I used to accompany her to the office and on her stories, she always had sources and substance to her stories, she never followed an agenda but to tell the truth. It is so sad to see what has happened to what used to be a very ethical and moral profession. Now a days a newscaster/reporter is nothing more than a mouth piece for their masters agenda. As a side project, I suggest you research Operation Mockingbird, if you haven't yet.

There you have just a small sampling of our "journalists" reporting fair and accurate news. I hope you realize how easy it is for them to manipulate our news and our history. Think for yourself and above all research, research and research some more. The truth will frighten you but it will also wake you up as well. Take care, be vigilant and above all PEACE!!!!


Monday, December 10, 2018

Research the vast amount of people who have died mysteriously or killed themselves by impossible means because they had dirt on the Clinton's. With the Clinton Foundation in the news again hopefully the rumors about the whistle-blowers are true and some real Justice can be down to all those who died by the Clinton's hands.

Tuesday, December 4, 2018

I haven't done a "movie" in a long time. In reality this is just a slide show on crappy free software. I do have power point on my other computer but it doesn't have my research on it and the time and energy it would take to move is beyond my abilities at the moment yet I don't mind using free and ancient technology if it gets my message through either. You may need to pause on the chapter titles since i couldn't get them to stay longer than 30 seconds.Warning I am not a professional film maker or editor, I am still very green so keep that in mind while watching this slide show. I should mention that I don't believe that those pictures represent reincarnation, it is more than likely just coincidence since we humans are so genetically alike, I read somewhere there are only a limited amount of "templates" when it comes to the human face so 1 in 1,000 or so people will have a doppleganger. Don't quote me on those numbers, I heard that a while ago and cannot remember where it was from so it is only hear say now. The truth that I believe is that it is time travel. First of all I don't believe in coincidence and secondly I've believed that time travel at some sort of capacity has been around for a while and I absolutely believe that the super rich celebrities could and can take trips back in time, perhaps for inspiration, just sight seeing, researching a movie role, etc. The pictures of the celebrities in the past look very similar and why not if it really is them! The Jay-Z picture makes a lot of sense. If he could visit Cuba back when no Americans were allowed to, I guarantee you he could finagle a trip back to Harlem. Which is one of the first places he would go back to. Now think about all the time in history without cameras or even canvas paintings. How many times have they traveled back into the Dark Ages or prehistoric times? Anyhow again this is just my far fetched idea. It could just be genetic coincidence and could probably be scientifically proven but the other theories are more fun to research and believe in.
As for Chapter 2? Well every established media site has debunked them as nothing but wacky conspiracy. I haven't spent much time on any of them but I will say that the one that intrigues me the most is the Trudeau/Castro one, it has many coincidences and a few fringe sites claim to have proof. I say go look into these on your own, with an open mind and a few hours of deep research. The Alex Jones/Bill Hicks one I have just found out about and I do plan on digging into that one. Anyhow, I hope you enjoyed the slide show and I will be back with more later. Until then have a great day and don't forget: WAKE UP, RISE UP and most importantly RESEARCH! PEACE!