Moon man

Moon man
Face on the Moon

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

A Little something different for today:

     I took this picture about five or six years ago with my macro lens. It is just an extreme close up of some ice that was on my railing one winter morning. I wasn’t looking for anything in particular when I snapped this, as a matter of fact I was just trying out the lens which I had just received from my wife for my birthday (or maybe Christmas, I’m not so sure about that detail). I’ve posted this picture or its edited version quite a few years back on my photography blog (, haven’t posted in a while but there is four years of my writing and pictures available to peruse) and it is one of my favorite images that I’ve ever taken, well the edited version is and I’m going to tell you why. First here is the edited version:

The first image, the unedited one is fairly cool, you don’t get to see ice this close up that often but after I saw the Ice King hidden in there I had to do a little editing to really get the image I lioked. I swear this looks just like a luminescent figure sitting on a throne and looking down, maybe upon the world. I started to imagine this Ice King as God, sitting there in a shining human form looking down at his creation. I shutter to think what he thinks while he sits there and sees his creations destroying themselves and their world. Does he care? Is he enjoying this? Does he want us to kill each other off? Or is he weeping, locked in an icy prison unable to help because his creations turned their backs on him? Perhaps sometime ago, evil tipped the scales of balance and has been in charge ever since. All of this war, murder, greed, debauchery and selfishness has weakened him to the point where he is nothing more than an observer unable to help his people.  I’m not saying he is the God, of the Bible or anything, but if we were created by some omnipotent being this theory would make the most sense to me. With Category Five Hurricanes smashing into our coasts and the threat of nuclear annihilation hanging heavy in the air, fear and darkness has gripped our society. In a time when we should be coming together to make our planet and our lives better we are being torn further apart. I don’t necessarily believe that we are in the end times but I do believe we are in a very crucial time for humanity. We are on course to not only destroy ourselves but our planet and no matter how hard we try to change or stop it something happens to divide us and to scare us enough to fall back into line. All the while the entity that created us may be watching, sitting in his prison that we built around him, watching his beloved creations destroyt themselves over worthless ideals and even more worthless possessions. I’ve often questioned why, if there is a God, an almighty creator diety who supposedly made us in his own image and loved us like nothing else, would let us fall this far down the pit of Hell but then it came to me that perhaps he can’t help, perhaps our actions, our selfishness, our arrogance has rendered him powerless. It is never to late to change yet I fear our time is running out, instead of being driven apart by fear, racism, patriotism, terrorism, war and inclement weather we should be standing strong, uniting to save ourselves, our planet and who knows maybe our God itself.

In conclusion, although all may seem hopeless and yes we are still sliding down the abyss but it doesn’t mean it’s too late. When I first took this picture I didn’t really think it was that interesting or special but then when I actually looked at it closer I saw this Ice King, or Frozen God. There is beauty in everything and there is hidden hope behind every evil action that occurs. We need to stay strong and stay united and pray that we can do enough to break our Creator out of his prison to restore the balance and save us before it is too late. 

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