Moon man

Moon man
Face on the Moon

Monday, November 27, 2017

Homer’s Vault of Mysteries: The Voynich Manuscript

An intriguing 15th Century manuscript and my theory on its origins.
     The Voynich Manuscript is an illustrated handwritten codex in an unknown writing system that can be carbon dated to the early 15th century, between 1404-1438. It was probably written in Northern Italy and is named after Wilfrid Voynich, a Polish book dealer who purchased it in 1912. There are around 240 pages remaining in the book and the text is written from left to right. Many of the pages have illustrations or diagrams. It has been studied buy codebreakers and cryptographers worldwide and there is still no definitive answer to what it could be. The illustrations vary from pictures of unidentifiable plants and weird scenes of women bathing. Some say it may be the book of an alien visitor while others think it was just a hoax perpetrated back in the 15th century to fool people or the church. I don’t think someone would have put so much effort into a hoax just to piss the church off. If you pissed the church off back then, you were more likely to be tortured or even killed.
There are six different sections of the book and since the text is undecipherable. Each section is typified by illustrations with different styles and supposed subject matter except for the last section, in which the only drawings are small stars in the margins. There are a few missing pages. Here is a breakdown of the illustrations:

Herbal: 112 pages, none of these plants have ever been clearly identified.
Astronomical: 21 pages: contains circular diagrams suggestive of astronomy or astrology. One series of 12 diagrams depicts conventional symbols for the zodiac.
Biological: 20 pages: mostly pictures of nude women some wearing crowns and most seem to be bathing or wading in pools of water.
Cosmological: 13 pages: more circular diagrams but of an obscure nature. This section also has foldouts, one of which spans six pages. It contains a map or a diagram of nine islands or rosettes connected by causeways and containing castles.
Pharmaceutical: 34 pages: Many labeled drawings of isolated plant parts, objects resembling apothecary jars, ranging in style from the mundane to the fantastical.
Recipes: 22: Full pages of text broken into many short paragraphs, each marked with a star in the margins.
(Wikipedia, Voynich Manuscript)

That is what Wikipedia has to say about the book. There are hundreds of websites that you can peruse if you are more interested in the factual matters. The best source I found was the Yale University Library’s Rare Manuscript department (Beinecke Library), it comes up if you google the manuscript. I could literally write a whole book about this but today I am just going to give you a very brief description of what I think it is and how I came to this conclusion. I have researched this manuscript since I first heard about it about ten years ago and I have had a few theories, the most recent one and one that a few other people have thought as well is that it could be associated with dimensional travel since many of the circular images bare a striking resemblance to much of the hardware in the Large Hadron Collider at CERN. Perhaps this book was one of the dimensional travelers guide books, the text could be coordinates and the unknown flora from a different Earth all together. I suggest you watch the video CERN and The Voynich Manuscript on Youtube, made by my friend UNIROCK tv. Although this idea is extremely far fetched it isn’t that far beyond reason. My theory is this unfortunate dimensional traveler got stuck in our time and Earth and his book is the proof he wasn’t from our universe or dimension at all. I do like this theory but recently I have come up with one that makes much more sense and is feasibly possible.

My newest suggestion is that the book is actually an ancient spell book, perhaps it’s a druid’s spell book or some shaman from a totally unknown tribe or people. The words are all repetitive and the scenes of women bathing are ritualistic in nature, that would also explain the star charts and astrology in the book as well. Who knows maybe the book is thousands of years old and shows flora and fauna from somewhere that doesn’t exist anymore, like Atlantis or whatever may be buried under Antarctica, researchers recently found a petrified forest buried under the ice in Antarctica, which means at one time this frozen continent was teeming with life. A few researchers even suggest that Antarctica was actually way more north than it is now and that rapid continental shift plac3d it in the “frozen” zone in a matter of a couple hundred years somewhere around 10,000 years ago. Why couldn’t this be an ancient religious text from a lost civilization? Researcher are finding things everyday that retire our understanding of ancient history and it really bothers me that main stream academics can’t accept that the ancients may have been as smart if not smarter than us today. It isn’t hard for me to believe that thee ancient people who cared way more for the natural world than us could have used nature for their “magical” spells and healing. Perhaps the Voynich manuscript is a glimpse of an ancient civilization that disappeared millennia ago. That is the most fun part of doing this kind of research, the answers are shrouded in mist, yet it is so fun to stumble around looking for valid answers. I don’t know what this ancient book really is nor does anyone else and that’s what makes this so interesting. Do some of your own research and come to your own conclusions. I would love to hear what you all think. Like I said, I could write a whole book on this and perhaps someday I will but in the meantime, I wanted to share this fascinating story with you all and hope it sparks some interest to do your own research on this subject. The pictures alone are worth looking at.
I hope you enjoyed this little teaser of the Voynich Manuscript and I hope you look into it for yourself, it’s been fun and I can’t wait to share a ne mystery with you very soon. Until then have a wonderful day and as always, PEACE!!!!!!!

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