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Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Phantom Time Theory: Did a Pope and an Emperor erase 297 years of history?

     Time is just a construct of humans, I’ve said it a million times. We needed something tangible to help us show the passage of time. Our ancestors used the stars, seasons and Moon’s phases to tell time. My 4 year old son uses TV shows to tell the passage of time, he knows when People’s Court is on that it’s lunch time (it comes on at noon) and he knows after 2 Hot Benches, the Steve Irwin Show and when Judge Judy comes on that Mom will be home. Okay, first of all , yes, I watch a lot of court shows, I like people watching and those shows have the best people to Watch! Secondly, I’m trying to imagine what my son’s watch would look like, I can see Judge Judy’s face were  4 o’clock should be! Anyhow,  As the years passed and science progressed we developed the current system of years, hours, minutes and seconds.  We even switched calendars from the Julian calendar to the Gregorian because of  flaws in the Julian system and this was in 1582. Since 1582 we have been using the same time and dating system.  So with all that said I will now explain the Phantom Time Theory  (briefly).
The Phantom Time Theory: This theory first asserted by Heribert Illig. Published in 1991, it hypothesizes a conspiracy by the Holy Roman Emperor Otto III, Pope Sylvester II and possibly the Byzantine Emperor Constantine VII, to fabricate the Anno Domini dating system retrospectively, in order to pace them at special year of AD 1000, and to rewrite history to legitimize Otto’s claim to the Holy Roman Empire. Illig believed that this was achieved through the alteration, misrepresentation and forgery of documentary and physical evidence. According to this scenario, the entire Carolingian period, including the figure of Charlemange, is a fabrication, with a phantom time years of 297 years (AD 614-911) added to the Early Middle Ages.  The proposal has found no favor among mainstream medievalists.  (Taken from Wikipedia)
 above image: Otto III
     Of course mainstream researchers deny this, they would lose their jobs and respectability if they supported something like this but there is evidence, including astronomical data to back this theory up. So technically it could be 1721 instead of 2018. Does this really matter? I mean we humans made up time so what is losing 300 years really? I have mentioned in various posts how this would mess up predictions, especially year specific predictions.  For instance the Mayan long count calendar has been proven real and was made using the same astronomical data that western civilizations were using, which means the Mayan calendar as we know it is 297 years (give or take a year) ahead of schedule. The end date of 2012 hasn’t come yet.  I should also mention that there is little to no archeological evidence that the years 600-999 AD existed, even though the legendary Charlemagne supposedly existed in this time there has been no artifacts other than written stuff that even suggests he was real. So did three men with a lot of power, influence and access to most if not all historical documents in existence at the time skip us ahead 300 years? Absolutely, why wouldn’t they? The Papacy considered the year 1000, the year of our Lord and to be associated with that very historic time would make the sitting Pope a legend. I myself believe this to be true and I have put it on my clipboard to further investigate it at a later date.
 above image: Pope Sylvester II and Constantine VII
In closing, I hope you all enjoyed this little tid bit of trivia or conspiracy, however you look at it. I also hope that it made you think a little, nothing is as it seems and if three guys back in the 600s could change time like that imagine what a few guys with today’s technology could do? Like maybe change our very universe? Everything connects and I love searching for the pieces to put this massive and mysterious puzzle together. Stay tuned, I have a lot more weird, wacky, eerie and scary information to share, until the have a great day and as always…….PEACE!!!!!!

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