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Moon man
Face on the Moon

Friday, June 30, 2017

Obscure Mythology Chapter 3
Centzon Totochtin (400 Rabbits):  Central American Gods of Intoxication
     When I came across this one in the Mythology Dictionary, I could not pass it up. I had to share this with you guys for sure. It isn’t connected like the last two but that’s okay because I am trying to find and share neat but forgotten mythology first and foremost, if there is a connection that’s just a bonus. Wait until you guys hear about these Gods, it will brighten your day for sure. So without further ado let me tell you what the Mythology Dictionary has to say about Centzon Totochtin, the Aztec Gods of Intoxication.
The Gods of Intoxication were worshipped as rabbits, the number of which indicated the degree of drunkenness. Complete drunkenness was represented by 400 rabbits.
 Some of the pulque (an alcoholic beverage made from the fermented sap of the maguey plant) Gods were Cohuatzincatl, Ome Tochtli, Papaztac, Patecatl, Quantlapanqui, Teatlahuiani, Tepoxtectal and Tequechmecauiaana. (Spell Check had no clue what any of those names were! That paragraph is nothing but red underlined words right now)!
They were depicted with faces painted in red and black, wearing the yaca-metzli, a crescent-shaped nose ornament, long earrings and carrying a shield.

     I’ve been 400 rabbits drunk probably a dozen or so times in my life, and I don’t remember most of those occasions. I thought this was one of the most intriguing myths I’ve ever found to date. I wonder why they compared drunkenness to rabbits? Maybe they say some rabbits eat fermented fruit and saw them go crazy or perhaps it was because they thought rabbits to be foolish and drunkenly in general. All I know for certain is that I have found a new way to gauge how intoxicated I or someone else is. Here’s an example: Last night I drank a bottle of wine, I guess I was probably about 150 rabbits drunk, that one time I drank a fifth of vodka I was more like 399 rabbits drunk. 

   I know I didn’t really have to include the names of the Gods but I love typing and trying to pronounce Central American Gods. They would make great Scrabble words if names were allowed! I am going to check the internet to see what it has to say about these Gods of Intoxication. Anyhow, that’s all for today. I really had to share the Centzon Totochtin with you all though, it was nice to find a funnier side to mythology for a change. Well, have a great weekend and as always: PEACE!!!!!!

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