Moon man

Moon man
Face on the Moon

Thursday, June 8, 2017

The Moon and some of its mysteries.
I found this strange structure or shadowed rock formation, as debunkers may call it, while searching the Moon via Google Earth and it got me thinking about one of my favorite Mysteries, OUR MOON. Please enjoy.  
  The moon had been a part of life for us humans for as long as any of us can remember. Our ancestors claimed it was the feminine side of the universe while the sun was the male. Scientists have been studying it for centuries and mankind has actually stepped foot on the moon, more than once, yet our only satellite still holds quite a few mysteries. I am only going to give a quick preview of some of the bigger more baffling mysteries, believe me if you want more there are plenty out there.  One NASA scientist, Robin Brett, stated,” It seems easier to explain the non-existence of the moon than its existence. Just think of that for a minute, a highly trained space scientist (astronomer, space scientist sounds cooler) claims its more possible to explain why we shouldn’t have the moon than have it! The problem is without the moon the ocean currents and tides would be messed up, we would have no night, etc.  An interesting side note to this theory is the fact that many space scientists(astronomers) claim that our sister planet Venus, which has an extremely uninhabitable atmosphere may have had one just like ours and could have supported life, if it had a moon like ours, it doesn’t. Venus has no orbiting natural satellite.
No one knows how or when the moon formed. There is rampant speculation among scientists but no concrete theory has jumped out over the others. Some say that a Mars sized planet smashed into earth a few billion years ago and the resulting impact flung a bunch of debris into our orbit, that debris eventually massed together to form the moon. Another theory postulates that the moon is actually a big pile of rock that somehow ejected from the pacific Ocean and formed into our only satellite, again there is no proof and even the samples of rock and dust taken from the Moon’s surface by astronauts hasn’t been able to pick one theory over the others. In fact some of the rocks and dust collected actually made the Moon mystery even more baffling as it is believed that some of the elements discovered in moon dust is man-made or unnatural to the moon at all and that leads us to a few of the more intriguing Moon mysteries.
Titanium: There are some lunar rocks that have been found to contain ten times more titanium than “titanium rich” rocks on planet Earth. Here on earth, titanium is used in jets, submarines, and spacecraft. It is purely unexplainable for the rocks to have this much titanium. Nobel Prize winner for Chemistry, Dr. Harold Urey, said he was “terribly puzzled by the rocks the astronauts found on the moon and their extremely high titanium content.
Elements on the Moon that shouldn’t be there: In the 1970’s two scientists from the Soviet Academy of Science, Mikhail Vasin and Alexander Shcerbakov, wrote an article entitled: “Is the Moon the creation of alien intelligence?”  In the article they not only discuss the titanium findings but also they disclose that a number of lunar rocks actually contained PROCESSED METALS, such as brass, mica and the elements Uranium 236 and Neptunium 237 that have never been found to occur naturally ANYWHERE! More interesting is what the two elements discovered are used for on Earth. Uranium 236 is a radioactive nuclear waste which is found in spent nuclear and reprocessed Uranium. Neptunium 237 is a metallic radioactive element and a by-product of nuclear reactors and the production of Plutonium.
The age of the Moon: Some scientists believe that the Moon is older than Earth. Our moon is unlike any other satellite discovered in the known Universe. According to researchers, the moon is around 4.6 billion years old which means its older than the Earth by over 800,000 years.
Here are a few other facts that I won’t really go into detail about but will present for your own thoughts to dance around.
There is a lot of water hidden on and in the moon. Researchers have found water ice in craters near the poles and studies have suggested that the interior of the moon is much wetter than ever supposed.
The moon is tidally locked, meaning only side of the moon faces us. The dark side of the moon has a crust that is up to 9 miles thicker than the light side, which has scientists baffled as well. How the moon can be locked and only spin in one direction is also a universal anomaly.
The moon is the fifth largest natural satellite in the solar system and the biggest compared with its host body. With the Moon’s considerable mass, its gravity stabilizes the wobble in Earth’s axis, moderating our seasonal shifts. Plus, the Moon causes marine tides on Earth.
Lastly, it is important to note that the size and distance to the moon make it just the right size when it comes to solar and lunar eclipses, this is far too coincidental if you ask me. It is also moving away from Earth at about 3 centimeters a year, not much now but in thousands of years it could move enough to destabilize everything on Earth.
These are just a few of the more scientific anomalies that are well documented, there are many other weird or mysterious things about our only satellite that really make people wonder whether the moon is artificial and was placed where it was on purpose. Again look at Venus, which other than atmosphere is almost identical to the Earth, what if it had a moon like ours, would it have stabilized the planet and changed the atmosphere? Maybe. If we look at Mars we see it has two tiny moons, more likely asteroids captured by its gravity, they would have been useless in helping the red planet like our moon helps us. Is it just a huge coincidence that our moon is exactly the size and distance it needs to be to help our planet function? Why are there so many man-made elements, especially ones used for nuclear power or transportation? Finally, why did the Moon ring like a large bell after the lunar lander touched down? What is the Moon hiding?
In conclusion, I myself strongly believe that the Moon has a lot more to do with earth and Humanity than we could possibly know and it was very possibly an alien or highly advanced technology’s construction. I have posted a few weeks back on my personal theory which involves, Jupiter Brains, the Black Knight satellite and aliens, go back in my posts to find it if you are curious. I highly recommend doing a little research into just how anomalous our moon really is.  The one thing that almost all Moon researchers are in agreement on is that the Moon is not made of cheese! Have a great day and as always………………PEACE!!!
above image: a classic example of pareidolia I found on Google earth. The shadows make this mound look just like a FACE!

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