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Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Mysterious Blobs from the sky: A history of gelatinous material raining from the heavens.
     Anyone who follows the Unexplained has more than likely heard of the Oakville blobs but just in case I will give you a small refresher. On 7 August 1994 in the city of Oakville in the state of Washington during a rainstorm, blobs of a transparent gelatinous substance, each half the size of a grain of rice, fell on the farmhouse of Sunny Barclift. The blobs were also reported to have fallen within a twenty mile radius of the farm. A police officer and numerous civilians also reported the blobs and feeling sick. Shortly afterwards Barclift’s mother was rushed to the hospital suffering from dizziness and nausea, Barclift and a friend also suffered from minor bouts of fatigue and nausea after handling the blobs. It was reported that Sunny’s kitten and a few other area cats and dogs died shortly after exposure as well. Barclift managed to get his doctor and a scientist from the Washington State Department of Ecology’s hazardous waste materials spill unit to analyze the blobs. The samples were found to contain human white blood cells and teeming with two species of bacteria, one of which lives in the human digestive system. The authorities figured it was airplane waste although it wasn’t dyed blue as per regulations nor is it legal from airlines to dump their “blue ice” in midflight. After a year Barclift sent a sample she saved to a private lab which also analyzed it, their microbiologist believed he saw an Eukaryotic cell; complex, nucleus containing cells that are present in most living creatures. This meant that it is or had been alive. This led people to believe the blobs were the remnants of jellyfish blasted by bombs dropped by the Air Force in the ocean during a training exercise and swept into the atmosphere then deposited more than 50 miles inland before being dropped on a 20 mile square radius. That of course is a ridiculous assumption and obviously a government cover up. Ever since I first read about the Oakville blobs I knew there was more to it and so I did a little digging. It seems that these blobs gave been falling on the earth since we first began to write. I am going to site a few examples.
Foul smelling lumps of something with the consistency of butter fell over large areas of southern Ireland in the winter and spring of 1696. According to the Bishop of Cloyne, this stinking dew fell in lumps as big as the end of one’s fingers; it was soft, lumpy and a dark yellow color. (Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London, 19:224-25, March-May 1696)
In 1720 A fiery globe fell on the island of Lethy, India; gelatinous matter was found where it landed. (The Edinburgh philosophical Journal, 1:234, October 1819)
On 21 January, 1803, a shooting star fell to earth in Silesia, between Barsdorf and Freiburg, Germany. It smashed into the ground and when locals went to check on it all they found was a pile of a jelly like material. (Report of the Thirtieth Meeting of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, 30:62-63, 1860).
On 13 August 1819 a foul smelling object covered with a clothlike napkin fell at Amherst, Massachusetts. A professor Rufus Graves, removed the napkin and discovered a buff colored, pulpy substance beneath it. On exposure to the air this substance became a livid color, resembling venous blood. The object was said to have fallen with a bright light. (Annual Register, 63:687, 1821).
Citizens of Rahway, New Jersey, saw fiery rain fall to the ground on the morning of 13 November 1833. When they went to inspect the odd rain they found little lumps of jelly. When residence tried to collect the transparent jelly like substance it had already turned into tiny white particles the size of a pinhead, but they too disintegrated when picked up. The incident was said to have occurred during a meteor shower that appeared over the Eastern United States. (The American Journal of Science and Arts, 1:363-411, January 1834).
On 4 April 1846 in Vilna, Lithuania, during a rainstorm, nut sized lumps of an odorless, grey resinous material fell. After being soaked in water for a day it turned into a gelatinous material. (Comptes Rendus hedbomadaires des seances de l’academie des sciences, 23:542).
On 11 November 1846, a luminous object estimated at four feet in diameter fell on Loweville, New York, leaving behind or becoming a heap of foul smelling jelly. (Scientific American, 2:79, November 28, 1846).
On Genoa, Italy, 14 February 1870 a yellowish substance fell sometime in the early morning. It was analyzed by a Professor Castellani of the Genoa Technical Institute and it was found to consist of 66% silica, 15% iron oxide, 9% carbonate of lime, 7% organic material and the rest water. The organic material contained particles resembling spores, grains of starch, fragments of diatoms (forms of algae whose cell walls contain silica), and unidentified, cobalt-blue globules. (The Journal of the Franklin Institute, 3:11-12, July 1870).
An edible substance consisting of small yellowish spherules, white on the inside, fell over a 3 square mile radius in August 1890 near Mardin, Turkey. The local people made it into a bread that was said to be of good flavor and easily digestible. Botanists declared the substance to be a form of lichen. (Nature, 43:255, 15 January 1891).
26 September 1950 two police officers were cruising the streets of Philadelphia when their headlights picked up a strange, shimmering object that seemed to be coming to earth in an open field just ahead of them. When they went to investigate they found a domed disk of quivering purple jelly, six feet in diameter, one foot thick near the center and an inch or two at the edge. They had a curious feeling that the thing was alive. It was glowing a faint purple light. The two police officers radioed for help. When help arrived the officers attempted to collect the thing but it fell apart in their hands like gelatin. Within a half hour the stuff had evaporated. (Frank Edwards, Strange World, p.344).
On 17 October 1952 the people of Oloron-Ste.Marie in the French Pyrenees, saw a cigar shaped object flying at a 45 degree angle above their town. Accompanying it were thirty smaller, saucer shaped craft. Ten days later at least a hundred people saw the same spectacle in the sky above Gaillac. On both occasions a substance like gossamer fell from the objects. When people tried to collect it turned gelatinous and sublimated. (Aime Michel, The Truth About Flying Saucers, p.64).
In February 1958 a light crossed over the night skies in the Irish county of Westmeath. People observed it landing in a field, when they got to the landing site all they found was a giant mass of gelatinous material. (John Michell, Phenomena: A Book of Wonders, p.15).
Of course there are many other examples of strange things falling from the sky, I just concentrated on some of the more glaring examples of gelatinous materials falling to earth. What in the world (or otherworldly) is going on? Of course since some of these examples go back to the 1600’s I cannot possibly believe that these things are the result of airline flushing or bombed jellyfish. It is interesting to note that most of these globs were found after a UFO sighting. Could this stuff be some sort of residual effect from UFOs? Might it be some sort of organic waste or maybe a side effect of whatever these spacecraft use for fuel? I myself have a few theories one of which is the fact that maybe it is UFOs dumping their waste before they slip into hyperspace or however they fly. Perhaps it is the residue of alien experiments, discarded after being dissected and experimented on, or maybe these gelatinous blobs are the left over organic material of people trying to time travel or travel through dimensions. It isn’t just jelly that is left behind though, in a lot of cases it is a fibrous, white, stringy material dubbed angel hair, that is for another post though!
In conclusion, I have to believe that this is more than just a coincidence. What could this jelly like material that is reported to contain organic matter be and how can it just appear after a UFO sighting or heavy rainfall? Have aliens or some advanced human culture been chemtrailing us since the 1600’s? Why doesn’t the government take these falling materials seriously? There are way too many questions and not enough answers when it comes to this phenomenon and I can say that I have not concluded my research at all. After I look into the angel hair anomaly I will look more closely at all of these strange residuals and hope to have a more unifying answer. In the meantime all I can say is that I believe that these gelatinous globs could very well be actual physical proof of aliens or at least advanced technology.  Nothing in nature would make it rain jelly or algae, that I know for a fact. I hope you all look into this yourselves and can come to your own conclusion, me I’m going to keep this one open and keep any concrete theories until I do more research. Have a great day and as always…..PEACE!!!!

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