I took this picture about five years ago. It was the only cloud in the whole sky and it blocked the sun out perfectly! I also thought the cloud looked like a heart so it gave the picture an extra meaning. I think this picture goes with my post for today the best since the post is actually something I blogged about five years ago as well on my photography/writing blog. The post is a short fictitious imagining of life in an ancient tribe suffering through a horrible drought and famine. It goes well with the subjects I have been researching lately and its a good break from my usual, I hope you enjoy it.
I can see the whole tribe, it is rare indeed to have them
all together but then again this was a rare event indeed. I scanned the crowd and quickly located my
family; they of course had a front row seat for the celebration as I was the
main attraction. The sun was out and
burning as hot as ever in the midday sky, beating us with the intense heat that
had been responsible for almost two full seasons of drought. Our once flourishing tribe was withering away
under the scorching heat. Hundreds had died including my Mother. Thoughts of her and how badly she suffered as
she slowly wasted away to nothing in front of my eyes made what I was doing
easier for me to accept. I wanted no one to suffer like that again. I spent the last few days of her life gently
stroking her hair reassuring her that the Gods would come back soon
enough. They
didn’t hear our prayers
that season as the crop failed to grow and the hunters returned empty
handed. The herds had migrated farther and farther south in search of
grass to live on, if they didn’t succumb to
starvation first. Food was so scarce
that first winter that we were forced to eat our dogs, it wasn’t easy but Father
reminded me that our people are a strong people and that this was the result of
the Gods testing our faith in them. Somehow
we survived that second winter but our numbers had been decimated, whole
families were lost. If the rains didn’t
come this season all would be lost. Many were already packing up and getting
ready to follow the long gone herds or die trying to get to them.
My Father pleaded with them to wait, our ancestors had settled this land
hundreds of seasons ago and he intended to keep this our homeland for all of
time. This was a very troubling time for
my Father as he and I both knew what would have to happen if the rains didn’t
fall that spring. I spent those long,
cold hungry winter nights praying for the Gods to let our crops come this year,
to stop the suffering of our people and to bring us back to their good
graces. There
was too much at stake to
wait too any longer, my Father and the Priests chose the Summer solstice
to conduct the ritual, since we had gone another Spring with no rain.
it was under the sweltering midday sun that they would conduct the
ancient ritual that they hoped
would save their people. A sacrifice would be made to the Gods. They
could not ignore a sacrifice, especially the one my father and the
Priests had in mind. They would sacrifice a virgin and not just any
virgin, the
princess herself, me. Father
made me
aware of the plan a few months prior and although I was afraid of dying I
happy to be chosen to represent my people as the greatest gift that
could be given to the Gods, besides it was my duty as the princess
according to my father and the Head Priest. To die for the Gods was a great gift indeed
and after watching my Mother die horribly and with no purpose I was more than
honored to be chosen as the vessel to reach the Gods. So I stand on the head of the Serpent Mound
surrounded by priests chanting and I see my family watching with looks of pride
etched on their faces, yet my heart aches when I realize my Mother won’t see
this wonderful day and that makes me able to go on so bravely. My
Father assists me to the stone slab that will be my last resting spot and
before he gently lays me on it I smile to the assembled crowd and lie
down. The priests close in around me
chanting louder and louder, waving smoking herbs while sprinkling blood, oil
and water on me. The priests frantic
movements caused a breeze to send a wisp of my hair over my right eye,
instinctively I went to brush it off and almost chuckled as I had forgotten my
Father hand bound my hands and feet when I had laid down. I had always been annoyed when this had
happened and I suppose it was ironic that it was the last thing I thought of as
my Father’s blade drove through my chest and punctured my heart. I hope the rains fall………………………………………….
A little Mandela Effect, some unsolved ancient mysteries, my findings on Google Earth, short stories, poems, UFO's, paranormal, etc.
Moon man

Face on the Moon
Wednesday, May 31, 2017
Tuesday, May 30, 2017
The First Great Awakening
Part 2, The Toba Eruption.
The first 130,000 years of Sapiens existence was relatively benign for
the most part. We as a species had settled into a survivable niche in the
ecosystem of ancient Africa, especially in and around the great rift valley,
which is in present day Ethiopia. With a firm grasp on hand held tools (pun
intended) such as hand axes, knives, spears, and scrappers we were capable of
butchering scavenged meat and keeping other hungry species away while we were.
I cannot forget to mention the importance of fire. When our ancient ancestors
figured out how to harness and recreate fire at will truly put us on a course
for greatness as a species. It was fire and our ability to control it that set
us up for stardom as a species. Fire allowed us to cook our food, cooking makes
more foods edible year round and releases more nutrients and calories from both
meat and vegetables. All these extra calories gave us extra energy which in
turn made our brains 20 percent larger than our closest evolutionary cousins.
It was our larger brains that allowed us to develop complicated languages and
to think cooperatively. It is our ability to work cooperatively and to
communicate that made us who we are as a species, but as usual I digress, we
must go back to 74,000 years ago, I will post about fire, tools and food at a
later date. As I was stating before I went off topic, Homo sapiens had settled
into a nice little niche as scavengers and gatherers (hunting small game occasionally)
in the African savannahs and the Rift valley until the first real extinction level
event came crashing down on us.
Seventy four thousand years ago a volcano in what is present day Sumatra
erupted. It was one of the largest eruptions the Earth had ever known and it
spewed ash miles into the atmosphere causing a volcanic winter that lasted
between 6-10 years. The earth was already in the midst of another Ice Age and
it is believed that some places dropped 20 degrees almost overnight. This
ecological disaster caused a world wide catastrophe that nearly led us humans
to extinction. At the height of the volcanic winter it is purported that there
may have been as few as 40 “breeding pairs” of Homo Sapiens left in the world.
Think about that for a minute, 40 breeding pairs means under a hundred sapiens
left alive. Remember we weren’t the only HUMAN species alive back then as I
stated in Chapter One, there were at least four other Homo species wandering
the earth when Toba erupted; Neanderthal, Homo Erectus, Homo Florensis (hobbit
man) and the Denisovans, all of them except for perhaps Erectus, who had been
around for nearly 2 million years and was the first Human species to leave Africa,
lived through the Toba explosion. Researchers, including myself, believe that
Erectus, if they were still around then were probably killed out by the
eruption since they mainly resided in Asia and would most likely have been in
the “kill zone”. Sad that after 2 million years they were wiped out by a
volcano, again that is a post for another time. So within a few years of the eruption
there were less than a thousand of us left and the landscape we were used to
was gone. Lakes, rivers and savannahs just disappeared. North Africa became a
desert wasteland cutting us off from escaping the continent so the few
surviving Sapiens did the only thing they could, they headed for the coast. Why
Sapiens hadn’t really adapted a coastal life before is a slight mystery but
most researchers believe that sapiens were content inland in the rift valley
and had no need to expand their ecology at the time. “Necessity is the Mother
of all invention”, I’m not sure who coined that first but it applies here for
sure. Sapiens were pushed out of the mainland and onto the coasts do to the natural
catastrophe that had reshaped the landscape and the climate they were used to.
Ironically it is our time in the caves of the Western and Southern shores of
Africa that gave us what truly makes us stand apart from any other species of animal
on this planet, culture. It was on the coasts that the rag tag bunch of
survivors found our spiritual and cultural roots. In the caves where our
ancestors not only survived but thrived after a near extinction level event is
where archaeologists first discovered things like red ochre (primitive paint
that could only be used for decoration or artistic expression) seashell
necklaces, flutes made from bird bones and the other artifacts that would come
to signify our cultural and spiritual awakening.
The shorelines were teeming with
resources; shellfish, seaweed, seals, birds and a plethora of fish species, it
was heaven on Earth to these people who had just crawled out of a barren
wasteland nearly extinct and completely lost. Researchers believe it was the
abundant shellfish and fish that made our ancestors even smarter as these
highly nutritious foods became a staple of our diets, urging our brains to
expand even more. It is my personal belief that the food may have something to
do with it but what I think really spurred on our first great leap forward was
the mere fact that we as a species had just survived an extinction level event
and found a home that was like no other, the Garden of Eden if you will. As we
began to settle and thrive on the coasts our ancestors retold the tale of the eruption
the climate change and the resulting migration to the sea and all the blessings
that came with it as a sort of spiritual tale. Our first religious story if you
will. The coastal caves our ancestors fled to became our first spiritual or
sacred lands, we began to paint ourselves and adorn ourselves with jewelry as a
way to signify our connection to the land that saved us and gave us new life.
Had our brave ancestors not made that difficult journey across the inhospitable
landscape to the coast 74,000 years or so ago we would have never survived and
you and I wouldn’t be here right now.
In conclusion, it is my belief that
the Toba eruption actually spurred our spiritual and cultural evolution forward
by forcing our ancestors to flee to the coasts. It was in these caves that we
gave thanks and praise to the spirits for keeping us alive and helping us to
not overcome the worst catastrophe we as a species ever saw but to thrive after
nearly becoming extinct. I should note that every Homo sapiens alive can trace
their mitochondrial DNA (the maternal DNA) to one African woman, known as
Mitochondrial Eve, to about 75,000 years ago. This means you really do owe one
of those surviving few people your entire existence. In the next Chapter I will
take a closer look at the actual life in and around those caves. I hope you
enjoyed this installment and cannot wait for you to read the next post. Until
then have a great day and as always………………PEACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
above image: various perforated shells found in a cave in South Africa that date back about 70,000 years ago.Monday, May 29, 2017
29 May 2017
O’Donnell Macelroy interview with alien at Roswell
it’s strikingly true words about humanity
While doing
research for a future blog I came across some interesting articles from the Roswell
Incident (only the most famous UFO incident in the world, in case you live
under a rock) that I had previously never seen. That in itself is a rarity as I
have studied and researched everything there every was on this infamous case,
well at least I thought. Grated I have been a little slack on Roswell in the
last few years as I have been busy with many other projects but none the less I
chided myself for being so lackadaisical (thank you Word) on one of my all time
subjects. What I was noticing as I scanned all the new stuff about it was the
fact that a lot of the people involved were giving death bed confessions in the
late 90’s and early 2000’s. I suppose they figured that the Government couldn’t
hurt them if they were already dead, so many of them either filmed or wrote
confessions with instructions to read or play upon their death. There are quite
a few out now and I assume as a good skeptic should that 80-90% of them are
fake but that leaves ten to twenty percent that are real. As a researcher it is
my job to sift through all of these new reports and try to figure which ones
fit with the “official” story and which ones fit with other eye witnesses, etc.
This is going to take an extraordinary amount of time and research but I am
more than willing to accept this task. One of the more intriguing confessions I
found comes from an Army Air Corp nurse, Matilda O’Donnell Macelroy, who claims
to have interviewed one of the surviving aliens from the Roswell crash over a
six week period. Again I should mention this is probably old news for die hard
Roswellians but I had been slacking and this “new” information was fascinating to
me. I Googled her and viola!, Article after article began to pop up, most of
course were researchers and mainstream scientists and news journals debunking
the whole thing but I did find a website or two that I trusted with some good
information. I came across an entire book written by Lawrence R. Spencer
entitled Alien Interview . Which
consisted of all of Mrs. Macelroy’s notes, transcripts and a few interviews
with her. I have just begun to peruse it to see if it jives with other stories
or if it is just another hoax. Well so far from what I can see I find it hard
to believe this woman could make the stuff up the alien tells her. I am still
researching and I will continue to do so with a skeptical eye but I do believe
a lot of her story does fit the narrative other death bed whistle blowers have given
in the last decade or so. I wasn’t even going to blog today and I didn’t want
to stray from my ancient ancestor posts but there was one part of the interview
that instantly caught my eye and I wanted to share it with you all. I will give
just a little background on the alien, the nurse and the interview. Again this
is just a minor slice of what I will get into at a later date when I can truly
dig into this tale but this was so profound (whether real or fake) that I
wanted to share. Okay, long story short, the alien tells Matilda through
telepathy the history of the galaxy, etc. The people of Earth are all beings
called Immortal Spiritual Beings (IS-Bes) and that Earth was at one time ruled
by the Old Empire-the alien people’s enemy and that they had turned Earth into
a prison planet where criminals, perverts, revolutionaries and so called untouchables
(the dredge of their society) were deposited to spend eternity. It’s
interesting that the “untouchables” of the aliens enemies were artists, poets,
musicians, and other creative types. Anyhow the alien goes on to say that the
enemy had created a shock barrier that imprisoned any IS-BE from escaping Earth’s
atmosphere after death so their spiritual entity would be wiped clean of its
memories and placed into a new human body. The process has been repeating
itself for over 10,000 years. The Aliens people have fought many battles dislodging
the last of the enemy out of hiding and away from Earth, most of these battles
took place around 1500 BC, which coincides nicely with the Indian Vamanas which
speak of spacecraft dueling each other and nuclear blasts, again that is for
another post. Well as of 1947, the aliens people still hadn’t been able to
figure out how to destroy or take down the shock field that keeps all of the
IS-Bes on Earth so everyone who still lives on Earth is still a prisoner,
doomed here for all eternity, or until the alien’s people can figure out how to
get us out. Well as I stated I am a long way from being able to present any
real research on this subject yet because I have just jumped down the rabbit
hole but I do want to leave you with these words the alien supposedly said (or
telepathed) to the nurse.
The kind and creative
inmates of Earth are continuously tortured by butchers and lunatics who are
controlled by the "Old Empire" prison operators. The so-called
"civilizations" of Earth, from the age of useless pyramids to the age
of nuclear holocaust, have been a colossal waste of natural resources, a
perverted use of intelligence, and an overt oppression of the spiritual essence
of every single IS-BE on the planet.
Pretty striking words. How true they ring, whether they are
real or were made up by an old nurse looking for attention they sure do ring
true, at least to me.
Well have a wonderful Memorial Day and as always……………………PEACE!!!!!!!Friday, May 26, 2017
The First Great Awakening 70,000 years ago
Note: I attempt to use sapien to describe us and not human
as there were other human species alive during this time. Using sapien should
cut down on the confusion.
No topic has fascinated me or captured my attention more than this. I
have been a history buff since I was four or five but when it comes to
pre-historic man and the Ice age periods it is an obsession. There are so many
unanswered questions about our ancient history and how or why our ancestors got
on the path that would eventually lead to us. I have read well over twenty
books on ancient Man and evolution, I may not have a degree in it but I am
confident enough to share and argue my facts with anyone. You see since Homo
Sapiens had no written record that far back and there are few fossil records
because the population was about 10,000 most if not all of the research ever
done has been pure speculation. No one really knows how or why our ancestors
began to think the way we do but all the evidence shows that it started 150,000
years after we modern humans first hit the scene in the Great Rift valley of
Africa had a vastly different landscape 200,000 years ago when Homo
Sapiens first showed up in the fossil records. Much of it was lush savannahs
with plenty of lakes and streams, which in turn meant plenty of flora and
fauna. We were not the only humans on the planet at this time either. To the
North in what is now Europe a band of hearty, low browed muscle men called
Neanderthals had been roaming the frozen countryside for over 300,000 years,
the offspring of Homo Erectus, the first human to leave Africa and venture into
Europe and Asia, that was about one million years ago. Erectus stayed in Europe
and Asia, living side by side both Neanderthal and the Denisovans (another sub
species of Erectus). While these humans found a way to survive the colder
climates of the north Modern man, Homo Sapiens, which means wise man, was just
starting to make a mark in east Africa. When we first came into the picture we
were scavengers and foragers who lived in small family units. We stayed that way
for 100,000 years, content with the life styles of scavengers but then
something happened.
It was at this time around 100,000 years ago when the climate began to
change, drastically, as it would periodically over the next 100,000 years as
well. This first major climate change turned the Sahara desert into the
wasteland it is today, within a few hundred years the entire Northern part of
Africa was an impenetrable desert, trapping our ancestors in Mid and South Africa.
I should note that right at the time of change or just before a small band of
modern humans had crossed the Sahara or made it to the Arabian peninsula by getting
across the Mandeb straight which would have been much easier to cross since the
sea levels were so low, however they did it these adventurous Homo sapiens made
it all the way to Israel about 110,000 years ago. Fossils found in a cave near
Schul verifies their journey and their ancestry. While this particular band did
not survive, they were the first sapiens to leave Africa. We shift back now to
the African continent thirty thousand years later and we find that Homo Sapiens
are but extinct. The climate change was rough but they had found ways to adapt
like sapiens always do but just when we were settling into our new lives a
massive volcano eruption near Lake Toba in present day Indonesia caused massive
chaos within the ecosystem of the entire world. Sapien populations dropped from
twenty or so thousand mating ages individuals to about 1,000 in just a few
generations. We were on the brink of extinction with hardly any place to go
since they were literally trapped in Africa, there solution not only saved our
species but more than likely propelled us into becoming who we are today.
With no reliable hunting,
scavenging or foraging areas in the interior of the continent our ancestors did
the only thing they could, they fled to the coast lines of western and southern
Africa. What they found was a virtual buffet of food and plants. The coastline
was the most abundant area for flora or fauna Sapiens had ever come across. It
was here in caves dotted along the African coast that about 1,000 Homo sapiens
began the greatest leap forward of any species in history and it is their
experiences in these coastal caves, the technology and spiritual advances and
their eventual travels into Europe that I am going concentrate on in the next
couple of installments. This era of modern man is the era that defined us, that
made us who we are and that proved we could not only survive but thrive in any environment
thrown at us.
From humble beginnings as foragers and scavengers to the most dominant
species on Earth in just 200,000 years, with a few very close calls to becoming
extinct, our ancestors were truly remarkable individuals and I am honored to
follow in their footsteps as a researcher in order to try to unlock all of
their mysteries. I hope you will continue this journey with me in the next
couple of days, it is a story that stands the test of time. My next post will
dig deeper into the everyday lives of the sapiens who survived Toba and then
thrived on the ocean’s coast. We will learn how the high-energy food like
shellfish and other seafood helped kick our brains into overdrive and how our
coastal ancestry gave rise to our religious and cultural evolution. I really hope you guys will stick around because
this is my all time favorite topic to write about and I have done years of
research on the topic! So until next time Thank you all for reading and as
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