Moon man

Moon man
Face on the Moon

Friday, May 12, 2017

Chapter 4 Giants in America, the conclusion.

     In this final chapter of my post on Giants in America I will focus on why I believe there was a race of Giants in the world during pre-historic times and how they could have easily been involved in the mining of a half a million tons of copper from the Upper Peninsula of Michigan.
  First I will look at the actual skeletons and the places they were found. The fact that they were buried in mounds give me reason to believe that these Giants were the mound builder society of the Midwest that founded not only Cahokia in Southern Illinois but also the settlement at Aztalan in Southern Wisconsin as well (this is one of the places I believe the miners from the UP set up camp during winter months, I blogged about this in an earlier post). It is documented that the Native tribes who occupied those cities in the mid 800-1000 AD had just moved into these after they were abandoned by their original builders. In mounds within miles of Lake Mills where Aztalan is located many Giant Skeletons have been unearthed. Of the twenty some cases of Giant skeletons in Southern Wisconsin, 15 were found within ten miles of Lake Mills. Interestingly enough the other reason Lake Mills is famous is because of the underwater structures it contains. At least three burial mounds shaped like longhouses and built by stacking rocks have been located under the murky waters. A pyramid has also been detected a few hundred feet from the longhouse like structures. Again I suggest researching the Lake Mills Pyramids when you have a chance. On a side note there is an excellent micro-brewery located in Lake Mills that I highly recommend. Anyhow, not only have skeletons been found, as I stated in yesterday’s installment these skeletons ranged from six and a half feet tall to ten feet tall, with double rows of teeth and six digits on feet and hands. I will admit that a certain genetic deformity could have hit  our ancient ancestors and a few “monsters” or “giants” were actually just deformed humans but it would have had to been a massive genetic defect as it would have had to effect a large amount of the population back then and lets not forget that there were not that many humans around 10-12,000 years ago. I therefore shall conclude using my research and my instincts and say it was not a genetic mutation. My personal belief is that they were an ancient species of Hominid that lived until just a few thousand years ago. I have extensive knowledge on prehistoric people and hominid species and if Neanderthals could have lived until as recently as 30,000 years ago, Denisovans up until possibly 5,000 years ago and even Homo Erectus possibly being on the scene until 10,000 years ago then why couldn’t an ancient ancestor not survive? The Bible, Old Testament, that is, is at least 6,000 years  old and references Giants very early on in Genesis. Everyday archeologists are digging up evidence that humans have been around longer in the Americas then possibly thought and unlike 100 years ago it is almost impossible to suppress finds like this anymore. I also believe that the Smithsonian Institute did in fact participate in a cover up and smear campaign, by who’s orders I don’t know but could you imagine the chaos that would ensue if Giants, especially Giants mentioned in the Bible we found to have existed once? IN conclusion I believe that these Giants were the remnants  of a line of hominid that lived and interacted with our own species. Who knows maybe in the future they can be connected via the parts of our DNA that are still unknown to us. Now I move onto my favorite part of this conspiracy, how it all connects to the Copper in the UP.
Part 2, the Connection
     All of the Giant skeletons found within the Southern Wisconsin area had two things in common, they were buried with Copper armor, ornaments, jewelry or rods. The second was the fact that they all had fresh water pearls lodged in their mouths or located near them. I want to take one second to mention that in most American finds not just in Wisconsin but as far as California have been buried with copper, mica and pearls but I am just focusing on the Wisconsin area for this.  Of course if you are a race of copper miners you are going to buried with it, even if you weren’t a miner it would have been a major part of your life. I would have loved to have seen a test result had the copper found ever been tested for purity, it would have come back Michigan copper I’m sure, but as with most of the items they were spirited way by the Institute (sounds more menacing) or declared hoaxes or worse, destroyed. The copper rods were a sign of tribal importance at least that’s what I believe, most Cro-Magnon and other Ice age man were known to use rods as a sign of power but I also believe there is much more to the copper rods and we’ll get back to that in a minute. The pearls baffled me for a while, what would copper miners care about Pearls? So I started researching the reasons why ancient cultures used pearls for burial rituals. I pulled out The Illustrated Signs & Symbols Sourcebook  and I came across some interesting facts about the symbolism of pearls that definitely correlate with copper and these burials. The pearl is a feminine symbol; its softness, rarity, gentle luster and its origins in the sea ensure this. It is also a symbol of purity and dedicated to the Moon Goddess in all her forms. A little further research showed that pearls were also associated with protection from evil spirits and lightning.  I believe the part about being a connection to the sea is why these giants buried their dead with pearls. They came from across the sea and they spent much of their lives on or near water. All the mounds that were excavated in the WI area were close to a body of water, whether it be a river, Lake or stream. The pearl symbolized their affinity to the sea and possibly to the Moon Goddess because after I read up on Pearls I figured I’d see what the book had to say about ancient symbolism for copper and I was amazed at what I found. Copper was one of the 7 magic metals of the Ancients, and all 7 relate to the planets and their associated deities, copper was connected to the seventh planet, Venus, again another female deity just like the pearls. Copper was well known by the ancients and was considered a source of protection against lightning, since copper rods act as a conductor and will direct the energy into the ground. A copper rod will direct energy to the ground. My mind started whirling in thought, what if they considered this and were buried under these huge mounds, covered in dirt lying around with copper rods waiting for lightning to strike, go through the rods and bring the deceased to the afterworld? Maybe they needed the copper rods to ascend to their respected afterlife and the pearls were there for protection? Its just a theory but one I don’t mind that much. The other reason the pearls may be there is because of a pearls connection to the feminine side of the pantheon. Just as the copper could have symbolized the male aspect. I like the lightning version better but whatever the reason I can say one thing with absolute certainty, well 99.98% certainty that these Giants were real and did live among us a few thousand years ago. I believe they went the way of the Neanderthal and Denisovans, either just died out or where pushed out. Maybe a few still roam the wilderness and mountains wearing fur pelts and being misidentified as a Bigfoot or Sasquatch. There’s a post for a later day!
  In conclusion it is my belief that they did in fact exist. I just don’t believe that many people could concoct that many tales that were so close in details without ever communicating and most of these discoveries were made in between 1850-1950. Spreading the word back then took a lot longer and another thing is the fact that most of these people were honest hard working farmers new to the country, they had no reason to make up this kind of stuff. That brings us to the articles in real, legitimate nationally renown newspapers and the fact that many scholars and scientists attested to the discoveries. The Institute was involved in a cover up and did help enact regulations making it a felony to disturb burial mounds, and they weren’t put in place to honor the deceased and somewhere in Washington DC or some military base is a huge warehouse full of a hundred years of the Smithsonian Institutes suppression. It isn’t just giant skeletons the Institute suppress, trust me.
I hope you enjoyed this four part look at Giants in America and I can’t wait to bring you another installment of the Mysterious next week. Until then take care and as always, PEACE!!!!!!!!
PS: the best part of research for me is opening an old book and rifling through its musty, cracked and yellowed pages. Nothing beats the smell or feel of working with books, no offense Internet but I’ll take books 9 out of ten times when doing research!
Above image is of a mound at Aztalan National Park in Wisconsin

1 comment:

  1. Cool I was in an advanced summer school program in third grade,when I was eight which would have been 1964; I remember going on a field trip to Aztalan. Giants did not seem extra ordinary to an eight year old, this is like Mendella Affect 😀
