Let’s go back to
the opening, and take a closer look at the products I mentioned: Febreeze is
now and has always been spelt F-E-B-R-E-Z-E, the BERENSTEIN BEARS has and
always has been THE BERENSTAIN BEARS. There are thousands of examples out there
for you to see for yourself. Some of the more well known differences for those experiencing
the effect are: Ford logo, Kit Kat, Meyers’s Rum, Oxi Clean, etc. Of course nay-sayers
and disbelievers try to debunk the
effect by saying people are just misremembering facts or are suffering from
mass hysteria or that the companies simply changed the logos and people forgot yet
that doesn’t explain the fact that the changes are really there or that the
companies themselves swear the changes never happened. Febreze has always been
Febreze, not Febreeze, why spell it wrong on purpose? The movie lines are
another strong indication that there is real proof to alterations or alternate
memories. I could literally spend hours and hours on this topic and that is my
intention, I am starting my blog again but I am only going to be focusing on
the Mandela Effect. I will explain the effect in more detail a lot of the
changes and the suspected reasons for it. Here are just a few of the theories
being floated around to try to explain what is happening, in no particular
order: CERN’s LHC and the atom smashing experiments are creating mini-black
holes accessing parallel universes or melding us with them, Satan and his
minions are ushering the end of days and these are subtle signs that something
is happening, quantum computers are
integrating with other computers in other universes, time travelers are messing
with the past, we are all dead and our consciousness was placed in a large
computer that has simulated our world, the CIA or other shadowy government
agency (maybe the Illuminati) are brain washing the masses and some are experiencing
side effects or can’t be fooled. There are many more and in the coming days,
weeks, months maybe even years I will dive deeper down this rabbit hole trying
to uncover a true life mystery that has earth shattering consequences. This is
the kind of thing I was meant to research and I hope you all enjoy the journey
and perhaps become a little more enlightened along the way. In the meantime I implore any of you reading
who haven’t heard of this effect to take a few minutes out of your days to give
it a Google (or a You Tube, I suggest you Tube).
A little Mandela Effect, some unsolved ancient mysteries, my findings on Google Earth, short stories, poems, UFO's, paranormal, etc.
Moon man

Face on the Moon
Wednesday, May 3, 2017
Imagine waking up
one day and realizing that the world has been changing around you without any
reason. At first its little things like company logos or brand names changing.
Maybe a letter is gone from a popular air freshener brand that you’d used a
thousand times before or maybe an entire word was replaced by initials or
perhaps the last name of some famous authors who penned books about bears you
grew up reading had changed mysteriously overnight. The problem is once you
recognize these changes they seem to be everywhere and at a much larger scale
than just name changes. Our entire geography has changed; continents have
shifted west or north by hundreds of miles, islands are way too close to land
and an entire pole of ice vanished, replaced by a vast Ocean of ice chunks. Human
anatomy has also radically changed for those suffering from the Effect. Your
favorite movies and songs have also changed, “Life IS like a box of chocolates.”
Isn’t correct and in this reality Darth Vader never said “Luke, I am your
Father.” C-3P0 had and always had a silver leg and Chewy never received his
medal at the end of New Hope! Books
are not immune either and the most famous and book in the world, The Bible has
been impacted as well as words and even whole verses have been altered or
re-written yet the church swears the way they are now is the way they have
always been, the biggest example is in Isaiah 11:6 the word lion was replaced
with wolf. If you have experienced this than you are suffering from the Mandela
Effect and it has impacted millions of people. The name comes from the fact
that many, many people swore that Nelson Mandela had died in prison in 1989,
not of old age in 2012 as this reality showed. From that revelation more and
more “mistakes” or alternate facts were being recognized. No one knows when
exactly the “effects” started but it seems to have picked up steam on line
about 5 years ago (2012) and has been gaining notoriety at a breakneck speed in
the last few months.
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