Moon man

Moon man
Face on the Moon

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

I'm doing something slightly different today. I am bringing you a mystery that I myself have found. I have been fascinated with Google Earth lately, well actually Google Earth on Mars and the Moon. For as long as I can remember I have always wanted to explore space and the celestial bodies throughout the Universe and thanks to Google Earth I can do that from the safety of my own home. I know its not the same but its the closest I am going to get to traveling to space so i will take it. I have found many, many anomalies both on the moon and mars and I will share more later but for now I want to share this picture. I found this a few weeks back and have been stumped as to what it could be ever since. This was found on the Moon. I have looked at it from every angle and zoomed in as close in as I can get and I still can't say what this thing is. I think it looks a lot like a structure, look at the angled edges. That is not a rock! It even looks to be buried a little bit, like it has been there a long time. I don't have any fancy photo editing software, just Picasa, so I cannot really difg into this picture like others may be able to. Like I said I found this a few weeks back and it was after countless hours of scouring the Moon's surface so I saw every type of rock and crater the Moon has to offer and this little guy up there, he's one of a kind. Even from the elevation of this photo you can see the angled edges and the contour of the structure. I call it a structure because a rock, from the moon or not, does not get this shape from natural means. I am posting this picture in my blog in hopes that someone out there can help me figure out what it is. If I found a man (or alien) made structure on the Moon I need to share the crap out of this before it disappears. I left the original coordinates on the picture so anyone of you can zoom to the moon via Google earth and check it out for yourself. Unless of course it has been edited out by NASA or something since then. I haven't gone back to check, I pinned the location so it won't be hard to check. I fear that if I can find this that easy the airbrushers at NASA can too. So either the editors at NASA missed this or maybe it became uncovered throughout the years and they don't know it is even up there, until now that is. Yet I highly doubt that anyone from the government or NASA is one of my 20 some loyal readers. So I am asking for help from the Mysterious/Conspiracy communities to aid me in identifying this structure and spreading the word if it is unnatural. So please share this photo with all of your friends, help me figure out what this could be. Can the natural forces on the moon really shape rock this way? Look at those corners! For all I know it could be left over space debris from a Moon mission but there was no markers, photos or links around it like Google earth will show near those areas. I would actually be okay with it being a left over moon rover or something because that's still a good find but I don't it is. It looks way too much like a freaking building! Alright that is all for now. Please either leave me a comment below or email me if you think you may have any idea what this may be. I will leave me email link at the end of this post.
In conclusion i know I have found something anomalous on the moon I just have no idea what it is and that is why I'm asking for your help. Let's prove this thing is not a rock and go from there! Have a great day and as always.......................PEACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
my email:

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