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Thursday, May 25, 2017

Tabby’s Star and the Cygnus Constellation connection

In 2011 NASA's Kepler Space Telescope began to record something incredible. It was a star so strange that it has necessitated four years of close observation before any kind of public announcement could be made. That announcement came this week, with the proposal that what could be out there is the first real evidence of sophisticated alien technology. Could alien mega-structures really be orbiting the star KIC 8462852, and could its proposed civilization have been influenced by the same cosmic rays from the Cygnus constellation behind our own origins as an intelligent species? Are these proposed ancient aliens linked with our own evolution? When Kepler detects an exoplanet, it does so by sensing this very slight dip in starlight. This light curve, as it is known, becomes the exoplanet's signature, providing researchers with information about its physical size and even its global temperature and atmospheric composition. It also reveals its shape, which, as you might expect, is generally planet shaped, that is round. However, what crossed in front of the star bearing the snappy name of KIC 8462852 in 2011 returned a highly irregular signature, which implied something of unusual shape was periodically transiting the star, causing its starlight to dip in flux down to below the 20 percent level. This is according to a paper on the subject submitted to the journal Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society by highly credible astronomers. What they have recorded across a period of four years of almost constant observation is highly significant as it is unlike anything ever seen before. The star (unofficially called Tabby's Star, or the WTF Star) is quite literally unique. What is more there is no room here for instrumental error, as this has already been ruled out. Kepler really is receiving a very strange signal from this star, located some 1480 light years (454 parsecs) away in Cygnus.
During the four-year period of observation two highly significant transits were recorded in connection with KIC 8462852. The first occurred between days 788 and 795 of the Kepler mission, with the second coming between days 1510 to 1570. The scientists involved in the mission refer to these transits as D800 and D1500 respectively. The D800 transit caused the starlight to dip by 15 percent, while D1500 consisted of a burst of transits, indicating the passage of an entire fleet of different objects, causing the star to dim down below 22 percent. To put this into perspective, this level of dimming during a transit has to mean that whatever is out there must be huge since exoplanets on dim a star's light by a few percent at the most. What is more, in the second instance, the transit signature indicated clearly that there was a whole swarm of these things passing across the face of the star.
After all other theories had been debunked (see my first email from yesterday for the possible logical explanations), it lead the exoplanet team to come up with a highly unusual conclusion. In their calculated opinion, the swarm of objects seen transiting KIC 8462852 have all the hallmarks of being "alien mega-structures," with the most logical conclusion being that they are stellar light collectors. In other words, they orbit the star in order to harness the star's starlight so that the resulting energy can be used by an alien source for a whole host of purposes including the powering of computers, communication, spaceflight and things we can't even imagine at this time. in 1960 Freeman Dyson, a theoretical physicist and mathematician born in 1923, scientifically proposed this concept following a "thought experiment," in which he concluded that as alien civilizations advance they will need more and more energy. Thus they will eventually create stellar light collectors using an array of mega-structures like those seen to transit across the face of KIC 8462852.
More pertinent to this debate is the fact that Dyson proposed that scientists should look out for signatures of energy collecting mega-structures of this kind predicting that this would lead to the detection of extraterrestrial life (source: Dyson sphere, Wikipedia). That now perhaps has just happened.

Since Dyson originally conceived of the concept of stellar light collectors others have advanced his theories of what have become known as Dyson spheres, named after one hypothetical model that would completely encase a star in a material shell. Other types of Dyson mega-structures have been suggested, and these are collectively known today as the Dyson series. They include a ring of objects all in the same orbit, as well as other models where the star is surrounded by whole arrays of starlight-absorbing objects.
So intrigued are the exoplanet scientists in this bizarre theory of alien mega-structures they have submitted a report to the SETI Institute at Berkeley requesting that it turn one of the radio telescopes at its disposal towards KIC 8462852. In this way they can monitor if for the hum of intelligent activity. Clearly, these people have good reason to believe that whatever it is out there could very well be of artificial construction.

Now here is were it gets weird, and it isn’t just me who sees these connections either. What connections? Well the connection of the Cygnus system and our ancestors of course. Ancient structures around the world from the temple complex of Göbekli Tepe to the Pyramids of Egypt are aligned towards Cygnus, it being seen perhaps as the place where human life originated, and where the soul returns in death. Author and Researcher Andrew Collins promoted Cygnus as the source of cosmic rays that might well have affected human evolution on earth (Andrew Collins, "Cosmic Rays and the Cygnus Mystery") and many ancient cultures have myths surrounding Cygnus. The Greeks envisioned this constellation as a swan and identified it with the swan form Zeus used to seduce Lyda, or the swan Orpheus became after death. The Arabs considered it an eagle. In North America, native peoples viewed the constellation as a goose. In all depictions, the bird is seen in the spread eagle pose, with wings and tail represented by the short arms of the cross and the head and neck of the bird represented by the long arm, either seen as a long neck or a large beak.
Cygnus is one of a number of constellations that seemingly crop up again and again in the design of ancient structures around the world. Another is Draco, which appears to be reflected in the layout of the Angkor Wat temple complex in Cambodia and the Serpent Mound of Ohio, both dating from around a thousand years ago. An even more famous example is the constellation of Orion. The three stars of Orion’s belt are reflected in the arrangement of the three pyramids of the Giza plateau, and also in the Thornborough Henges of northern England, which date from a similar period – around 2500 BC. All of my research into the Cygnus connection show that the ancients were well aware of the fact that cosmic rays were emanating from the Cygnus system and in some way impacting evolution on earth. As the above shows they also placed many of their most important structures in alignment with the system. It is too hard for me to think that it is a coincidence that we now find a star in the same system showing signs of having intelligent life! Astronomers have trained the SETI telescope and hundreds more toward Tabby’s star in hopes of making contact with our ancient friends (family)? What we have to remember as well is that since Tabby is 1400 and some odd light years away what we see in the telescopes is at least that old, so perhaps the aliens are in the process of building the Dyson sphere as we speak since it is actually 1400 years in the past. Astronomers who watched the last dimming just this past weekend postulated that the star may be dying and could be gone in a 150 years. Really? Or maybe the sphere will be complete then and we will not see it again because they will have finished the sphere and totally encapsulated all of the planet. It is something to think about as is the connection to the Cygnus system. I had a lot more but my old computer is not accessible at the moment I hope this helps you though. All mainstream scientists have “debunked” the Cygnus claims saying the ancients wouldn’t have known that much about astronomy or the lay out of the stars but that is ridiculous as the ancients probably had more knowledge of the stars than us since they had a much better view (no light pollution) and thousands of years to study the night sky (they had nothing else to do but survive).  It doesn’t take a knowledge of advanced physics to track stellar motions. It just requires careful observation of the night sky, year after year, and for information to be passed down from one generation to the next. Even the mystery of procession would be within the grasp of meticulous observers. To suggest the ancients weren’t capable of this – as the mainstream archaeologists insist – is a double insult. It’s an insult to the intelligence of ancient people and to astronomers to say their work is easy.
In conclusion I believe there could be a connection between Tabby’s Star (the Cygnus system in whole) and ancient civilizations. It is nice when our research can connect two such random things as a dimming star in the Cygnus system and our ancient ancestors whether it is factual or just a huge coincidence.
I hope you all enjoyed this post and as Always: PEACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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