Moon man

Moon man
Face on the Moon

Monday, May 29, 2017

29 May 2017
Matilda O’Donnell Macelroy interview with alien at Roswell
And it’s strikingly true words about humanity

     While doing research for a future blog I came across some interesting articles from the Roswell Incident (only the most famous UFO incident in the world, in case you live under a rock) that I had previously never seen. That in itself is a rarity as I have studied and researched everything there every was on this infamous case, well at least I thought. Grated I have been a little slack on Roswell in the last few years as I have been busy with many other projects but none the less I chided myself for being so lackadaisical (thank you Word) on one of my all time subjects. What I was noticing as I scanned all the new stuff about it was the fact that a lot of the people involved were giving death bed confessions in the late 90’s and early 2000’s. I suppose they figured that the Government couldn’t hurt them if they were already dead, so many of them either filmed or wrote confessions with instructions to read or play upon their death. There are quite a few out now and I assume as a good skeptic should that 80-90% of them are fake but that leaves ten to twenty percent that are real. As a researcher it is my job to sift through all of these new reports and try to figure which ones fit with the “official” story and which ones fit with other eye witnesses, etc. This is going to take an extraordinary amount of time and research but I am more than willing to accept this task. One of the more intriguing confessions I found comes from an Army Air Corp nurse, Matilda O’Donnell Macelroy, who claims to have interviewed one of the surviving aliens from the Roswell crash over a six week period. Again I should mention this is probably old news for die hard Roswellians but I had been slacking and this “new” information was fascinating to me. I Googled her and viola!, Article after article began to pop up, most of course were researchers and mainstream scientists and news journals debunking the whole thing but I did find a website or two that I trusted with some good information. I came across an entire book written by Lawrence R. Spencer entitled Alien Interview . Which consisted of all of Mrs. Macelroy’s notes, transcripts and a few interviews with her. I have just begun to peruse it to see if it jives with other stories or if it is just another hoax. Well so far from what I can see I find it hard to believe this woman could make the stuff up the alien tells her. I am still researching and I will continue to do so with a skeptical eye but I do believe a lot of her story does fit the narrative other death bed whistle blowers have given in the last decade or so. I wasn’t even going to blog today and I didn’t want to stray from my ancient ancestor posts but there was one part of the interview that instantly caught my eye and I wanted to share it with you all. I will give just a little background on the alien, the nurse and the interview. Again this is just a minor slice of what I will get into at a later date when I can truly dig into this tale but this was so profound (whether real or fake) that I wanted to share. Okay, long story short, the alien tells Matilda through telepathy the history of the galaxy, etc. The people of Earth are all beings called Immortal Spiritual Beings (IS-Bes) and that Earth was at one time ruled by the Old Empire-the alien people’s enemy and that they had turned Earth into a prison planet where criminals, perverts, revolutionaries and so called untouchables (the dredge of their society) were deposited to spend eternity. It’s interesting that the “untouchables” of the aliens enemies were artists, poets, musicians, and other creative types. Anyhow the alien goes on to say that the enemy had created a shock barrier that imprisoned any IS-BE from escaping Earth’s atmosphere after death so their spiritual entity would be wiped clean of its memories and placed into a new human body. The process has been repeating itself for over 10,000 years. The Aliens people have fought many battles dislodging the last of the enemy out of hiding and away from Earth, most of these battles took place around 1500 BC, which coincides nicely with the Indian Vamanas which speak of spacecraft dueling each other and nuclear blasts, again that is for another post. Well as of 1947, the aliens people still hadn’t been able to figure out how to destroy or take down the shock field that keeps all of the IS-Bes on Earth so everyone who still lives on Earth is still a prisoner, doomed here for all eternity, or until the alien’s people can figure out how to get us out. Well as I stated I am a long way from being able to present any real research on this subject yet because I have just jumped down the rabbit hole but I do want to leave you with these words the alien supposedly said (or telepathed) to the nurse.
The kind and creative inmates of Earth are continuously tortured by butchers and lunatics who are controlled by the "Old Empire" prison operators. The so-called "civilizations" of Earth, from the age of useless pyramids to the age of nuclear holocaust, have been a colossal waste of natural resources, a perverted use of intelligence, and an overt oppression of the spiritual essence of every single IS-BE on the planet.
Pretty striking words. How true they ring, whether they are real or were made up by an old nurse looking for attention they sure do ring true, at least to me.
Well have a wonderful Memorial Day and as always……………………PEACE!!!!!!!

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