Moon man

Moon man
Face on the Moon

Thursday, May 18, 2017

UFO week Chapter 3: Middle Ages sightings and stories

     The Dark Age have always been of particular interest to me for a number of reasons but the most important reason is because of what DIDN’T happen during this five or so hundred years. This time in history is known as the Dark Ages for one reason: It emphasizes the demographic, cultural and economic deterioration that occurred in Western Europe following the decline of the Roman Emperor. Many Historians blame the fall of Rome and the ensuing scramble for power by various leaders and regions as the main reason for the lack of technological or cultural progress but many researchers including me who are not shackled by any preconceived notions know the real reason. It is simple the Catholic Church came out of the Roman decline as the most powerful institute in Western Europe. The Papal line had slowly risen to power throughout Rome and Byzantium while the Empire was crumbling. The ruling Popes used the invading Gauls and other “barbarian” tribes as a reason to begin enforcing draconian laws meant to keep the population under control while desperately trying to keep order. Within a hundred years of Rome’s fall the Church had established itself as the ruling elite in the new era to come. In this era the Church began to suppress, destroy and eliminate any tribes, principalities or people who didn’t fall into line with their new way of life. Pagans who had followed the ancients religions for thousands of years were persecuted, killed or forcibly converted.  Any kind of learning or teaching that wasn’t directly connected to the Church was outlawed, this included studying science. While the Islamic people were making huge strides in psychics, astronomy,  geology and the other sciences Europe was going backward. Many scholars like Galileo, Newton, Nostradamus and DaVinci were very careful with what they shared and how they shared it, always connecting God or the Chruch to their findings out of fear of being excommunicated or worse. Imagine if those guys weren’t working under such oppression!  The Church had everyone afraid to do anything but worship God and do the Church’s bidding.  With that being said, I believe it is the reason we don’t see a lot more UFO sightings reported from this era, people were too afraid of the church and God to believe that anything in the sky wasn’t part of the divine plan. That is the reason that most reports from this time period use religious or everyday items to describe what they saw. Many “cross” shaped UFOs were seen back then but were they really cross shaped or was that just what had to be said to keep the church happy? I don’t want to get into how horribly this whole time messed up humanity going forward that is for another discussion but think of this, what if Europeans weren’t shackled to the church’s doctrines and draconian rules and had in fact continued to advance technology, what if there hadn’t been this centuries long suppression on learning and understanding, were would we be? We would have had an extra 1000 years of science, math, geometry, etc. Instead it took us hundreds of years to catch up to the rest of the world. I will stop my lecture on how horrible the Dark Ages were for the world and turn my attention to the topic at hand, UFO sightings from this dark and depressing era in Humanity’s short history.   I will now share a few of the more interesting sightings. These sightings are not in any particular order.
As you will see there are very few, if any reports from the 11th-15th Century in Europe because most people were too afraid to say they saw anything in the sky as most would have been called a witch or worse then be tortured and more than likely killed for blasphemy or heresy. Also of note, all of these sightings are from Mysteries of the Unknown, Reader’s Digest association, 1982
8 August 1566: Basel, Switzerland Numerous spherical objects appeared coming out of the Sun. It is depicted in a 16th Century woodcut.
12 Sept 1271 Japan The famous priest Nichiren was about to be beheaded, when there appeared in the night sky an object like a full moon, shiny and bright. Officials panicked and the execution was cancelled.
1361 Japan, a flying object described as being shaped like a drum about twenty feet in diameter emerged from an inland sea off.
8 March 1468, a dark object, which made a sound like wheel, flew from Mt. Kasuga toward heading west.
4 November 1322 Uxbridge, England A pillar of fire the size of a small boat, full of colors, rose from the south and crossed the sky with a slow and grave motion and went north. Out of the front of the pillar a red flame burst forth with great beams of light. It’s speed increased and then it vanished.
Nov/Dec 1387 county of Leicester England a fire in the sky, like a burning and revolving wheel emitting fire from above and others in the shape of a long fiery beam, were seen through a great deal of the winter.
1 November 1461 Arras, France A fiery thing like that of an iron rod of good length and as large as half the moon was seen in the sky. It was also described as being shaped like a ship, from which fire was seen flowing.
     There are not many more in the book or online, like I said people liked their heads on their bodies more than telling someone about a flaming wheel in the sky. I also believe this is why so many Paintings from this time have images of UFOs in them, it was the only way someone could “tell” their UFO story without worry of being killed.  Interestingly enough the paintings that do have weird UFOs in them bear a striking resemblance to some of the eye witness accounts from the time. Look into them, you’ll be surprised.
In conclusion there are not many written records from this period and I believe there was a lot of activity because this was a Dark time for most of humanity and if there are alien observers in our skies this would have been an easy time to check things out without worry of being exposed. Well I hope you all enjoyed this Chapter and I cannot wait to bring you the next Chapter. I hope your day goes well and as always, PEACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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