A little Mandela Effect, some unsolved ancient mysteries, my findings on Google Earth, short stories, poems, UFO's, paranormal, etc.
Moon man

Face on the Moon
Monday, May 8, 2017
I have always been fascinated by the paranormal, the mysterious and the unexplained and you cannot even think about stuff like that without thinking of the great prophet Nostradamus. I just stumbled across the Mandela Effect back in September of last year before that I was more of a paranormal/UFO researcher but I have been studying theme in much greater detail lately because of the profound impact it’s had on my life. I am positive some answers for what is going on can be found digging deep into the past and Nostradamus is a perfect person to start with. I have many, many more quatrains to look at and scrutinize in the meantime I thought I’d share this one first because of the relevance I think it has. I haven’t found one iota of evidence that anyone else is even trying to find answers to ME through Nostradamus but I’m sure I am not alone in looking at this connection. I am not going to spend much time on the man himself because I think all of my readers are familiar with him, if you want to read more I again suggest Google or Wikipedia. There are thousands of articles and websites on Nostradamus and his prophecies. I am concentrating on just one of his many Quatrains for this article. It is, I believe the closest thing to predicting the Mandela Effect I’ve read from something this far back in the past.
Michel de Nostredame (Nostradamus in Anglican) was a French physician and seer. His first book of prophecies was published in 1555. His predictions have enthralled millions for close to 500 years. I am not going to get into his life story or his prophetic accomplishments, I am only going to concentrate on a quatrain I found that COULD implicate that Nostradamus foresaw the Mandela Effect in one of his visions.
After many hours of exhaustive research, I have found a quatrain that could possibly have something to do with CERN/Mandela Effect. Please remember two important things: The first is that I am not a Nostradamus expert, in fact I know little about his life or predictions other than what I myself has looked for and number two: these quatrains can be deciphered numerous ways and have been by hundreds of people. My goal isn’t to dispute anyone’s findings or say what is right or wrong, I am just an independent researcher trying to find my own logical conclusions.
Nostradamus looked hundreds and even thousands of years into the future and saw things that a 15th century European had no words for yet so sometimes he either had to describe these futuristic things by comparison to things he knew or by creating his own words for them. Century 6 Quatrain 5 was the first to truly strike me as different. In all of my time researching the causes/effects of the Mandela Effect I have seen no one correlating any of Nostradamus’ predictions to the phenomenon and would have never thought to look if it wasn’t for your video. I believe there is a lot to offer someone with enough time and resources when it comes to what is happening today and what Nostradamus might have foreseen about it. It would be interesting to see what a Nostradamus expert could find. Here is the most intriguing so far and a brief description of what I found.
Si grand famine par vnde pestifere.
Par pluye longue le long du polle arctiques
Samatobryn cent lieux de l'hemisphere,
Viuront sans loy exempt de pollitique.
Very great famine through pestiferous wave,
Through long rain the length of the arctic pole:
"Samarobryn" one hundred leagues from the hemisphere,
The will live without law exempt from politics.
Pestiferous :harboring infection and disease. constituting a pest or nuisance; annoying.
Samarobryn: From the Russian and Polish dialog, Sama and robrin or Sama robi means: works by itself or self-sustaining, self-operating, self-sufficient. Also the ancient Celtic name for Amiens (France) although for some reason most Nostradamus scholars consider it to mean space station or space ship.
Exempt from politics: There was no word in 15th Century France for physics. Using politics may have been Nostradamus’ way of conveying what he was seeing.
Now as with any Nostradamus prediction I don’t think we should be so literal when deciphering them, for example when we look at the opening line: Very great famine through pestiferous wave. Most researchers have suggested this means a famine or plague but what got my attention was the use of the word pestiferous (meaning above) or rather the meaning of constituting a pest or nuisance. What could better describe the Mandela Effect right now? To me it would be pesty and annoying, right? A plague AIDS or SARS isn’t very pesty or annoying at all, it’s much worse so he meant non-life threatening, and the last word, wave? The effects are coming in waves or happen after a certain quantum computer (D-WAVE) calculates a problem. Nostradamus has mentioned plague a lot and never used a word like pestiferous. The second line Through long rain the length of the arctic pole. This one has me a little stumped but if I stretch it like all Nostradamus scholars do I, I believe he may be stating that the “effects” will last a long time and even make a pole disappear. (Many ME suffers swear the North pole had an Ice Cap just like the South Pole), again we may have to stretch a little to make these words seem plausible but that is what makes this so exciting. So in two lines of this quatrain we have mention of an annoying “plague” sent in waves and a lost arctic pole. Line three goes on to say: “Samarobryn" one hundred leagues from the hemisphere. Now here comes the fun part. No one knows for sure what Samarobryn really means, some have speculated it refers to an alien space ship or satellite (black knight) orbiting 100 leagues or 300 miles in our atmosphere, others proclaim that it is a mash up of two Russian words which mean self working or self sustaining, this had me thinking of AI or the Singularity but again that was before I did a little more digging. It just so happens that Samarobryn or something very similar SAMAROBRIVA is the Celtic name for Amiens, France which happens to be about 440 miles from Geneva and CERN. A league is about 300 miles, so not that far from a league if you are trying to show distance without a map, the hemisphere he is talking about isn’t our world or space, it refers to the LHC, its circular in nature and would fit the verse well. See the photos below. Now the last verse, THEY WILL LIVE WITHOUT LAW EXEMPT FROM POLITICS. This line is everything, they live without law, exempt from politics. CERN has its own agenda and is above the law of man and physics. Nostradamus had no word for physics as the Western world wasn’t introduced to it until the mid 1600’s when Newton began working on his theory (Arabs had known about certain aspects of physics for hundreds of years but Europe wasn’t as enlightened due to the Dark ages and the churches suppression of such blasphemy, so Nostradamus would have had to use something else to describe physics, and I suppose politics was the closest. This last line solidifies to me at least that this quatrain refers to CERN and what it is doing to people. I have to admit this quatrain fell nicely into place and I hope you can see the connections as well.
Nostradamus made hundreds of predictions and I have only just scratched the surface. I have pinpointed a couple of more for some in depth analysis and will send those along in the weeks to come. As I stated earlier these quatrains can be interpreted many different ways but I am convinced that this verse has something to do with CERN, maybe not the ME itself but CERN. I am enclosing the translation of this verse from a noted Nostradamus scholar, Peter Lemesurier, to give you an idea of how vague (or specific) these translations can become.
As the Northern Hemisphere is swept by plague, famine and long rains. Samarobryn orbit at an altitude of 276.4 miles/445 kms, well clear of the laws and politics.
This guy deciphered this in the 1990’s before the ME and CERN’s LHC were on anyone’s mind as being in Nostradamus’s predictions. I also see he got very specific and I have no idea how he came to the numbers or how the “Samarobryn was in orbit. As I stated
Scholars translate these quatrains to fit their particular need. I didn’t do anything with this verse but translate the words and find a plausible meaning for Samarobryn other than alien which is what every other researcher has done but the idea that it could be a city and the league be distance instead of speed or orbit makes a little more sense. Nostradamus wouldn’t have known what CERN or the LHC were called thus he would have used a city he knew to show distance and I believe he used the word hemisphere to describe the site he was observing because of the shape and circumference of the buildings. Anyhow, that’s my first endeavor into cracking a Nostradamus prediction, I hope you all enjoyed this and please feel free to do your own digging into this fascinating subject or just stay tuned for my next installment, until then have a great day and as always, PEACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The photo below and before the article show the layout of CRN’s LHC and how it can easily be described as hemispherical if seen from above or in a vision.
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